Growing Up

‘Growing Up’ is the title of the art work in the show “Growing pains” of ULRIXA in Kunstruimte WILLEM II Den Bosch.
The show if part of the “Jan Naaijkens Prize 2024” won by ULRIXA during the Apprentice Master year 2024 in Kunstpodium-T Tilburg.

Growing Pains is ULRIXA’s third show, in which she took the characteristics and the sizes of the space in Willem II as the
starting point for new art works, originated from the works from the first two shows. Scaling up works and ideas was one of the elements
that resulted in six large scale works in the large exhibition hall of Willem II.
Growing Up is a work of ULRIXA developed by Nicole Driessens.
Crochet, 300 x 360 cm, 2025

ULRIXA, the six artists embrace the resistance that these growing pains provoke and the resilience that enables them to get through them. After all,
growing pains serve a purpose: it allows us to move forward and develop. As the starting point of the exhibition, the artists take their personal
similarity with ULRIXA and build on them. With individual and collective works in textiles, video, transparency, storytelling an AI, among other things,
that explore themes such as the environment, migration,and identity, they investigate what their own place is within a whole and invite us
viewers to ask this question of ourselves.

Growing Pains
Kunstruimte Willem II DenBosch, Boschdijktraat 100
Opening 11 January 16.00 hours, 2024, by Veerle Driessen, curator and writer
Open: 11 t/m 26 January, ecery day: 11.00 – 17.00 hours

Thanks to: Mondriaan Fund, Willem II, Kunstpodium-T, Jan Naaijkens Prize